Make a booking request
If you've not stayed with us before then you can easily register online and, once registered, it's quick and easy to make booking requests. If you have registered or used the system before then click Submit Request or scroll down for a quick overview on how to use the system.
IMPORTANT: Sending a booking request is NOT the same as making a confirmed booking.
The system may show availability at the time you check but in busy periods there may be requests ahead of yours that have not yet been processed. All booking requests need to be processed by the team before they are confirmed.
Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email. All bookings are subject to our Terms & Conditions. If we cannot accommodate your booking request, then you will receive an email saying it has been declined. We will always do our best to accommodate your request. It is advised to book early at peak times.
Finally, please read our Terms & Conditions below and pay particular attention to the vaccination requirements. These are legal requirements we must follow and dogs without the necessary proof of the specified vaccinations will be turned away.

2. Select your dog
Click add your pet to select which dog you are making the booking for and if you have more than one dog click 'Add another pet' to add them.

3. Put in the dates
Fill in your dates using the calendars by clicking on 'From' and 'To'.

4. Hit 'Submit'
Use the 'Any additional information' box to tell us about any special requirements and then hit 'Submit' to send us your request. The team will then review your request and reply.
Terms & Conditions
No animal will be accepted for boarding unless proof of current vaccinations against Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine adenovirus), Leptospirosis (L. Canicola and L. Icterohaemorrhagiae), Kennel Cough, Canine Parvovirus and other relevant diseases is provided. The course of vaccination must have been completed at least four weeks before the first date of boarding (check-in date) or in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. A record of these vaccinations must be provided at check-in and kept as part of the dog's record throughout the period of the stay. This is required by law. Any pet not adhering to this vaccination policy will be refused admission and any monies paid in advance will be forfeited.
All dogs will be examined upon arrival and weighed at our discretion. Dogs showing signs of internal parasites (fleas, worms etc.) will be treated and the cost added to the boarding fee. We also reserve the right to refuse admission to any dog showing signs of ill health.
Customers must provide the following information. This information will be stored on our booking system. See subsequent section on data for more information. The information provided must include:
name, description, breed, age and gender of dog
any identification system such as microchip number or tattoo
name, address and telephone number(s) of owner or keeper
name, address and telephone number(s) of emergency contact person whilst boarded
name, address and telephone number(s) of dog's veterinary surgeon
health, welfare and nutrition requirements
Whilst every care will be given to pets, Park Lane Kennels will not be held responsible for any illness, injury, pregnancy, loss or damage to your dog(s) or their belongings, however caused, during their stay. Boarding is entirely at the customer’s risk. In the event of illness, accident or emergency, Park Lane Kennels will endeavour to make contact with the customer or the emergency contact provided but reserves the right to seek immediate veterinary help either from the vet the dog is registered with or any vet Park Lane Kennels determines. The cost of any and all treatment will be payable by the customer and added to the boarding fee as an additional charge.
Customers understand that dogs will be exercised with other compatible dogs within secure play areas. You must disclose to kennel staff if your pet has any aggressive tendencies either towards humans and/or other animals. You must disclose if your pet is in season or coming out of season. With the exception of bean bags, customers are welcome to provide bedding or toys but we will not be held liable for any loss or damage.
Boarding fees are charged according to size of the dog(s) and by the day. A full days’ boarding fee is charged for the day of arrival (check in) and the day of departure (check out). For the avoidance of doubt, arrival is charged as day one and departure as day two. This is to facilitate complete cleaning of the kennel. The daily fee is determined by the dog’s size which is informed by its weight (small is less than 10 kg, medium between 10 kg and 25 kg and large is more than 25 kg). However, the final decision about a dog’s size remains entirely at the discretion of kennel staff. Fees are inclusive of VAT at the current rate and are subject to change without notice.
For your dog's health and wellbeing, customers are to provide their own food and to provide sufficient quantity for the duration of the stay. Food will be stored in sealed containers specific to each kennel. If your dog requires medication or supplements please inform us at time of booking and please supply sufficient quantities for their stay. Please provide any feeding instructions at time of check in and these will be stored as part of your dog's record. Should you not provide any or insufficient food then an additional daily food charge of £10 per dog will be applied to your bill for the days your dog(s) have to be fed.
Full payment including any additional costs is required before the departure of the animal from the premises. We do not accept payment by cash or cheque. We only accept payment by credit or debit card.
Check in and check out is between 10:00 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Saturday. Collection outside of these times may be possible by special arrangement and agreement prior to or at time of check-in only and may be subject to a £25 out-of-hours collection fee. Whilst we will endeavour to help with any reasonable out of hours requests such special arrangements are made solely at our discretion. The kennels are closed on Sundays and on public and Bank Holidays.
We reserve the right to request a deposit or to ask for full payment in advance especially during peak holiday periods.
Any deposit paid is non-refundable unless we receive more than 14 days’ notice of cancellation or amendment prior to the arrival date of the booking. In the event of cancellation within 48 hours of 10.00 am on the date of arrival then this will leave the customer liable to a payment of 50% of the total booking value. No reduction will be offered for early collection. Any person failing to honour a booking without notification, will be liable for payment in full.
Any animals not collected within 14 days of the stated departure date without any contact from the customer or persons responsible will be classified as abandoned and removed from the kennels to an official establishment for the purpose.
We retain essential customer and pet data for our business purposes only and we do not share any customer data with external organisations. You can request at any time by email or telephone to: opt out of receiving marketing messages from us; stop from receiving reminder emails or SMS; remove your personal and pet data from our records. See our privacy policy for further information.